July 15, 2012
Being true to my current emotional state, and bringing it through my singing.
Emotional expression both literal and abstract was the theme tonight.I explored leaving the melody for parts unknown and coming back to it without needing to come up with a variation. Yea, my memory is improving!Scating was another feature of this jam, as was the percussion section, and the lyrics that poured out of my heart.To listen to DailySing - 165, click here.
Posted by Emile Dyer. Posted In : Daily Sing
July 14, 2012
The theme for tonight... Staying Fresh!
What does that mean?Staying fresh means not falling into known patterns, or staying away from comfortable "default settings."From bass solos to vocal modal explorations to percussive interludes... It's all gottta be F-R-E-S-H...!!! Unused, untried, and strangely enough... innocentI'm gonna sing now, and see if any of this applies.Of course it was entirely not what I expected. I knew enough to keep singing, which brought me to a place of acceptance for my... Continue reading...
Posted by Emile Dyer. Posted In : Daily Sing
July 13, 2012
I feel tonight as if I've reached a plateau of sorts.
As went through tonight's jam, I felt like a part of me was going trough the motions as the rest of me is flowing and riding the creative wave.I tried to break the inertia of the plateau by exploring percussive sections, lyrical vocal solos and more with an eye to getting back to my main melody.This was only partially successful as I had a harder time coming back to the main melody toward the end.It was still a good time!To listen to DailyS... Continue reading...
Posted by Emile Dyer. Posted In : Daily Sing
July 12, 2012
I wanted to reach into a person's mind and know that they hear my bass line.
I want them to sing and feel the bass line, so that when I depart from it, they still hear it, psychologically.I did this all throughout tonight's DailySing.
To listen to DailySing - 162, click here. Continue reading...
Posted by Emile Dyer. Posted In : Daily Sing
July 11, 2012
Just staying open... That's tonight's goal, to remain an open conduit.
I stayed pretty open, but my mind kept trying to arrange, compose, and orchestrate. It's a very thin line that I trample constantly.Even at my most vulnerable, and willfully open, a piece of me is observing, evaluating, weighing choices and decisions.I have no answers, but I do think that each mindset has its uses.To listen to DailySing - 161, click here. Continue reading...
Posted by Emile Dyer. Posted In : Daily Sing
July 10, 2012
I was back in the car getting lost in the music! It was great!!!
A soft repetitive melody in my low range served as a solid bass. I was even able to depart and go way outside without forgetting the main melody when it was time to get back to it. Guiding this felt very light and effortless. Less is certainly more!I enjoyed the funkiness of the bass line and all of its permutations. We bridged into jazz, rock, and some imitation neo-soul.
The vocal solos were all different, yet were inspired by t... Continue reading...
Posted by Emile Dyer. Posted In : Daily Sing
July 9, 2012
Memories are an excellent conduit for creativity, whether it be for actors, scuptors, or musicians.
In the same way that an actor accesses his or her emotions through memory, so too can a singer bring forth rich material as inspiration, as subject matter, as an entry to places where we can transport a listener or an entire audience.Tonight, I revisited places, emotions and states of mind from this past week, from the bitttersweet to the sublime. The trick is to not let oneself get distracted f... Continue reading...
Posted by Emile Dyer. Posted In : Daily Sing
July 7, 2012
Early morning sing to greet the day.
Just open yourself up to the day, the sun, the breeze, the rising heat, the dappled shadows cast by the trees, the bird song.Open yourself up to every detail you become aware of as you sit in nature in the early morning, then sing each one.Lift your voice to the heat of the sun, let your melody follow the feel of the wind, and any other early morning inspiration.Finally, notice how it makes you feel inside your body, your mind and about the day.To listen to... Continue reading...
Posted by Emile Dyer. Posted In : Daily Sing
July 6, 2012
Sweet to sing in the early morning sunshine!
I was stuck trying desperately not to replicate Bobby's Sweet In The Morning, so I let myself drift from idea to idea, exploring each one, but never really gelling with anything until that funky beat that pulled WORDS out of me.
It Feels So Good In The Morning Time
It Feels So Good In The Morning Time
Life Feels Fine.
The Sunshine Feels Fine.
I Feel Fine. To Listen to DailySing - 157, click here... after 7/9/2012 Continue reading...
Posted by Emile Dyer. Posted In : Daily Sing
July 6, 2012
Riding the wave of the now... That's how I tried to approach this sing. It was after a long day, and I could hear how tired I was when I began to sing. I didn't mind falling into old patterns or defaults. In fact, I explored them in greater depth than I have in a long time.
That was liberating in its own way, because I wasn't monitoring myself and allowing for the discovery of unknown territory within my strengths.As I said earlier, it was the end of a long day, and I fell asleep...several tim... Continue reading...
Posted by Emile Dyer. Posted In : Daily Sing