Gratitude, gratitude and more gratitude... is what I've been feeling all day today and yesterday. I thought that it could be a reaction to my friend Anne's death, but realize it doesn't matter how I come to appreciate my riches... Just that I appreciate them! 

I've really been enjoying being a dad lately. It's not necessarily been easy, but it is worth it. Witnessing my child's growth and development is like being part of an action adventure/drama/comedy/documentary/reality epic. Parenting immerses one in the chaos and richness of this thing we call life.

All of these feeling came bubbling up tonight as I sat by the open windows during my DailySing. What started as an open improv, soon turned into a lyrically clumsy ad lib about how blessed I feel for having my little family of my 2 girls, the 3 cats and other assorted creatures, real, stuffed and imagined. Even when I abandonned trying to tell a story with my clumsy lyrics and just sang tones, the energy of my feelings was still translated into the music.

To listen to DailySing - 61, click here.