Our emotional landscape directly affects the content of the music, the method of performance, and the energy invested. Seems rather obvious, but the visceral experience is noteworthy.
I had quite a good day, first breakfast with my daughter India, followed by teaching at choir, India's friend Philina's birthday party, where one of the other parents played piano while I jammed with my voice and beatbox rhythms, pick up my wife Billie from a workshop that she loved, then home for pizza from Mama Lucia's. A quietly busy but very pleasant day, spent with my daughter, my wife, and with friends put me in an emotional place of gratitude which I later called happiness. I know the underlying feeling was happiness because I attacked the singing tonight with a feeling of enthusiastic exhuberance and mischievious fun. I explored indiscriminately, with no real rhyme or reason save one. I did have a melodic theme and so tried to stay within those parameters... for the most part.Listening to the playback, I don't hear all of the things that I experienced subjectively, but I do have a sense of the playfulness in my singing. Playfulness as a direct result of my place in my own emotional landscape.To listen to DailySing - 40, click here.