Tonight's exploration started with me wanting to sing The Waters of March, by Carlos Antonio Jobim, then seeing where the journey would take me. In listening to the playback, I realize something was very wrong with the microphone, but that didn't hamper my vocal trek. 
Singing tonight was about experiencing the act of singing as free and easy, with no constraints or expectations, while maintaining enough focus to explore my vocal qualities several layers beneath the main melody. I also was able to explore other songs, but by the ending, I came back to the head (top of the song), with a whole new appreciation for this tune.
My throat stayed open and relaxed as I transitioned from Agua De Marco to Eu Moro Na Rosa, another Brazilian tune, and my throat was still relaxed as I went into a falsetto version of Annana, then back to Waters of March for a couple of verses in Portuguese before going back to English to finish.

I thought I knew this song well enough to sing, but I only knew enough to wing it. Balance is still the key, between shutting down or flying by the seat of your pants. I choose the latter, as action moves us forward.

 To risk listening to tonight's faulty recording of DailySing - 35, click here.