I'm two for two! I did not leave my body for unexplored inner musical landscapes while improvising tonight. I was able to maintain focus while staying receptive and open to source. I also jumped into my improvisational arch nemesis... Made up language! I love rhythms, melodies then harmonies to play with. Words are a distraction, and made up language has been too close to words, for me to enjoy the musicality of the sounds. I really tried tonight and I was able to make the leap, although my immersion felt inconsistent. While I felt the made up language as sounds and musical currents to swim in, I would occasionally switch to my left brain and try to analyze what was going on, which is the quickest and surest way to fall flat on my face! But I held it together for the most part. The made up language morphed into Tom Waits inspired riffs and bass lines, then to Island music, and so on...

To listen to DailySing - 27, click here.